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Custom Boxes For CBD Vape Cartridges

Need custom boxes for CBD vape cartridges? Smart choice! Using custom-sized, 100%-personalized vape cartridge boxes strengthens your brand identity and offers your products a real presence that’s superior to other packaging materials. Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be, even If this is your first time getting custom packaging—you’ll find it’s amazingly easy to get your CBD vape cartridge boxes underway!

To get started, request a quote by providing the dimensions of your vape cartridge or child-resistant tube (whichever is applicable according to relevant regulations and guidance), how large you’d like the box to be, and how many boxes are needed. If you’d like a matte finish, foil stamping, or other deluxe options, be sure to mention it! Once you feel ready to proceed, just ask for your free template so you can get started on designing. Later on, you’ll receive a free box sample so you can verify the box’s sizing and approve the graphic design. Next and last is printing your CBD vape cartridge boxes with care and soy-based inks for crystal-clear color and top-notch quality.

Want a quote? Just click “Request a Quote” above or head to our homepage for more CBD product box options!

Where we keep you covered with

We offer free consultations and samples, affordable design services, complete personalization, and more so you always feel 100% confident about your custom boxes and labels.

Artwork Design

Present your product and show off its unique artistic design

Mock Up Sample

Mock Up Sample, You can change the design and make it your own.

Custom Dieline

We can create a label for your box, or provide the boxes themselves.

CAD Sample

CAD Sample Option is availabkle with the BusinessImagePrinting Model

Eco Friendly Packaging

Our box packaging is eco friendly, recyclable and compostable

Offset Printing

We offer high quality paper box printing and packaging services

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